Step 1: Sign up for free

Please sign up first. It is free of charge.

Fill out your information and register

Step 2: Class preference survey

After sign up, please fill out the class preference survey to help us further understand your learning needs

Fill out class preference survey

Step 3: Purchase class and make payment

You can start purchasing class and make payment after log in. Payment can be made easily online with credit cards

Online payment

Step 4: Interview Before Class

We will hold an interview with you before your class begins to teach you how to use the platform and have a student- teacher meeting. Our service personnel will guide you how online class is conducted so that you can be familiar with the real-time teaching platform.

  • Confirm devices needed for the class
  • Familiar with the function of online class platform
  • Meet with your teacher
  • Confirm class times

Step 5: Class Begins

After the interview, we will discuss the class schedule with you so that your class can begin shortly.

  • Add your class according to your class schedule
  • Set up your class schedule
  • Click on “Go to Class”
  • Class begins